Rupert Williams, a tutor for international students in China, sent in this beautiful photo. Rupert said, I am currently working at Northeastern University (NEU), one of our partner universities in Shenyang, China, where temperatures are around -20C. The Hun River flows through the city and reminds me of the Tay - but with more bridges and less seals. Recently it has completely frozen over, people go ice-skating and walk across the iced-over river - which I've yet to see on the Tay!
Rupert Williams,一位来自邓迪大学的“东北大学—邓迪大学中外合作办学项目”教师,发来了这张美丽的照片。Rupert Williams说,“我目前在东北大学(Northeastern University)工作,东北大学是邓迪大学的合作伙伴,这里的气温在零下20摄氏度左右。浑河穿城而过,不禁让我想起了苏格兰的泰河。但比起泰河,这里有更多的桥梁,没有海豹。最近它已经完全结冰了,人们都在滑冰,还可以在结冰的河流上行走——这样的情景我还没有在泰河上看到过!”